The Webbs are the blood of the motor city pumping through a country heart. Just as a spider web is a network of fine threads constructed to catch its prey, the Webbs weave a sound that will capture your soul. The band members have been honing their craft for over 20 years and have come together to create an old country/bluegrass sound with a dark side.

The Webbs’ vocalists croon sweet melodies backed by strong musicianship. The band consists of Andie Webb, Tracy Webb, Fredric Scott Leman, and Robert Rasmussen. The band members merge their unique influences to create something beyond your basic bluegrass. Andie”Twila Lark” is an experienced singer in the Honky Tonk blues tradition. Tracy is a music aficionado with strong southern roots. Fredric “Scotty Karate” is a proto-punk/alt-country legend that plays pure, soulful hillbilly rock music. Robert R on the guitar is a versatile sideman that adds sonic soundscapes and atmospheric backdrops.

The band’s relationship runs deep and is as strong as a river current. You can feel this closeness in the group’s chemistry and you can hear it in their music. Andie and Tracy are a married musical duo that have been collaborating for more that a decade. Scotty is a long time friend of the couple having known Tracy for nearly two decades. Robert has played music with Andie and Tracy for years. The Webbs lives are woven together – they have had trials and triumphs, which lead to a musical collaboration that will bring you to your feet in celebration, hold your heart as you feel emotion, and make you smile with delight.