After polishing their musical chops for years in the clubs of Green Bay, Dead Modern Villains busted down the doors of the rock scene in 2010 with their debut EP, Dead Modern Villains – Live at the Elbo Room. (Chicago) The band’s full length, 15 track debut album ‘Wisconsin Blues’ was released Aug. 9th 2011. It is available in most online stores, including Itunes, Amazon & Rhapsody. The album unites Keith Bouche’s melodramatic vocals with crowd-pleasing riffs to churn out a record full of heart- pounding rock. Mitch Rudolph’s metal influenced drumming, mixed with David Arendt’s melodic bass lines uncork rhythms to evoke a fine collection of rock songs in their purest form. With standout tracks like “Hindsight is 20/20,” “Something to Do” and “Bottle of Pills,” the music of Dead Modern Villains appeals to rock fans and non-rock fans alike. Now, it’s 2012, and the band is ready to record the second full length album. They’ve been touring around Wisconsin & the Midwest mixing up their set with dozens of rock ‘n’ roll songs written with one common theme…Making heads bounce! Make no mistake, DMV is an original act, and their live shows will blow you away. The band was recently nominated for 2012 Rock Band of the Year by the Wisconsin Area Music Industry.