Mӕre – a malicious folk entity that creeps up on sleeping people’s chests during thenight and instils breathlessness and anxiety. It is this state of diffused terror and paralysis thathas been enshrined in HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY’s music ever since their 2012 debut album.January 2021 will see more tales from their feverish dreams ready to break out into the light ofday.With M.S.‘s captivating guitar melodies and J.J.‘s lyrics, ridden with trauma, delirium and loss,their unique mixture of black metal and post rock creates an inescapable maelstrom ofshattering screams and sudden acoustic guitar interludes.As pioneers of the “post“ movement, the Austrians have, ever since their conception in 2011,drawn fans and critics deeper and deeper into the depths of their melancholy, self-hate andanger.Their previous release “Arson” reached #29 in the German and #62 in the Austrian charts.”Mӕre” will be graced with several friends of the band who have entered into the intoxicatedworld of HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY to guest on the album; Alcest’s frontman Neige brings ahaunting flair to ‘Sing For The Damage We’ve Done’, the anonymous voice of Gaerea joins inon ‘Silver Needle // Golden Dawn’, and, as session drummer, the duo one again commit to noneother than Kerim “Krimh“ Lechner (Septicflesh, live-Behemoth). However, an act of HARAKIRIFOR THE SKY’s stature no longer needs to rely on namedropping to be noticed.“Mӕre“ was recorded during the spring quarantine of 2020, which may well have been thecause of the feeling of abandonment that permeates the ten songs. Self-loathing with numbingrestlessness will still echo through your bones long after the last note of the Placebo cover‘Song To Say Goodbye‘ has resonated. Recorded and produced by M.S. and mixed with thehelp of Daniel Fellner, this fifth oeuvre is another milestone in the history of the duo who willcelebrate their 10th anniversary in 2021.