Brian Harris is a virtuoso pianist, trained at Hartt School of Music in Connecticut and is also an experienced jazz pianist and at his core a true rock-n-roller. Brian created the Simply Elton show in 2012, envisioning a tribute to Sir Elton John that captured the magic and energy of the icon’s live performances. He performed over the years as a solo pianist and backing keyboardist/backing vocalist in many bands. Brian also served three years as a Sergeant in the Fourth U.S. Army Band stationed at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, performing as the band’s primary pianist. In 2012, it was time for him to step out front. And there has been NO looking back! Brian has performed hundreds of Simply Elton shows thrilling audiences all over, and looks forward to MANY more in the years to come. Brian and Simply Elton have performed internationally in the British Virgin Islands, Canada, Ireland, Mexico and China, along with a steady schedule of performances in the midwest and throughout the United States. The essence of the Simply Elton act is that it brings together Brian’s energy, finely-tuned “Elton” vocals, love of wearing wild outfits on stage, and of course his virtuoso piano technique to make Simply Elton a fitting tribute to the rock & roll genius of Elton John.
Simply Elton is backed by the Mad Hatters Band, a group of seasoned and talented rock & roll professionals that set the foundation for Simply Elton to fly over. Brian and the group are based in the Chicago area, yet perform literally anywhere/everywhere in the world that an over-the-top Elton show is desired! He also enjoys performing intimate solo performances on occasion (as did Sir Elton himself as well).